Artificial intelligence or genuine stupidity?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is getting everywhere. Or should I say the “AI hype?” Aside from all the fuss, not much has happened.

Light and dark narcissism

Every personality trait has its good and bad sides. Narcissism is often thought of as a wholly negative feature, but there are other sides to it too – some positive, some unbearable.

Tekes supports Psycon’s product development

Tekes, The Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation, has provided Psycon with funding for the development of a global personnel assessment concept.

Why are we so bad in making estimates?

Estimates most often go wrong. Quite a number of errors are caused by our inability to handle information.

Too many experts?

Usually, a good expert makes a bad manager. The worst result is when the entire management team is comprised of experts in one field. A new study reveals the reason.

Taking personalities into account during induction

Psycon’s senior consultant Lari Koivu explains how personality shows at work and how it can be taken into account during induction.

When conscientiousness goes too far

Conscientiousness seems to be the key personality trait predicting success at work. But what happens when there is too much conscientiousness?

What kinds of methods best support learning?

The benefits offered by different methods often have to do with motivation and inspiration.

Internal recruitment

Nearly every organization has a well-thought out external recruitment process. But perhaps it would be equally beneficial to think about internal recruitment and its course.

Psycon is classified as an Achiever 2012

Psycon has been classified as an Achiever 2012 by Kauppalehti newspaper. A company is classified as an achiever if its growth, profitability, financial structure and liquidity are in good order.