Psycon presented two scientific papers at the International Test Commission conference in July 


Psycon participated in July in the International Test Commission (ITC) conference, whose themes this year included considering internationality when applying assessment methods, test validity and fairness, as well as technical development in the field and innovations brought by artificial intelligence. 

At the conference, Psycon was represented by Research Director Mikael Nederström and Senior Advisor Anita Rintala-Rasmus, both of whom had oral presentations at the event. 

Anita Rintala-Rasmus’ presentation, “The Validation of a Multidimensional 360-Degree Assessment Tool and Its Relationship with Supervisor Engagement, Involvement, and Burnout Tendencies,” focused on the validation of the 360-degree assessment tool. 

Mikael Nederström’s presentation, “Interactions between Big Five and Dark Side Traits Utilizing Factor Analysis of Personality Assessment Data,” addressed the connection between Big Five personality traits and so-called “dark side” traits. 

In addition to oral presentations, Ms. Rintala-Rasmus chaired a thematic session on new innovations in the development of psychological tests. 

The ITC conference is one of the most anticipated events of the year in the professional field of personnel assessment. For Psycon, the event provided a unique opportunity to learn about the latest research in the field and network with international colleagues. The conference held in Granada, Spain, was ITC’s first in-person event since 2018. 

What is ITC? 

ITC is an alliance of national psychological associations, test committees, organizations, and industry players that promotes the proper development, evaluation, and use of psychological tests. Presentations for the scientific conference are screened through peer review. Participants in the ITC conference include developers, practitioners, and leading researchers in psychological methods from various universities and organizations around the world.